


The Controls menu file is located in englishclient_frontend.bsp.pak000_dir.vpk, and is made up of two files:

  • resource\ui\menus\controls.menu

  • scripts\vscripts\ui\menu_controls.nut


Each settings toggle that resides in the Controls menu and other menu's like Advanced HUD are layed out like this:

			ControlName				RuiButton
			InheritProperties		ControlsSwitchButton
			style					DialogListButton
			pin_to_sibling			ImgGeneralSubheaderBackground
			pin_corner_to_sibling	TOP_LEFT
			pin_to_sibling_corner	BOTTOM_LEFT
			xpos					-22
			navUp					BtnControllerOpenAdvancedMenu [$GAMECONSOLE]
			navUp					SwchMouseInvertY [!$GAMECONSOLE]
			navDown					SwchHoldToRodeo
			tabPosition				1
			ConVar					"autosprint_type"

SwchAutoSprint is the variable name of the setting.

pin_to_sibling is the variable name of the setting above it.

navUp is the variable name of the setting you will navigate to when pressing up (usually above it).

navDown is the variable name of the setting you will navigate to when pressing down (usually below it).

ConVar the source variable that you are modifying e.g cl_showpos, cl_showfps, or sv_cheats.

list a set of options for the Convar:

    "Disable" 0
    "Enable" 1


In the menu_controls.nut file, create a new line close to the other settings to keep them organised an easy to come back to later. You will now need to setup a new button for your setting variable:

SetupButton( Hud_GetChild( menu, "SwitchEnableCheats" ), "Enable Cheats", "Toggles `1sv_cheats`0 Enables extra commands." )

The new setting I'm creating is for sv_cheats which I've called SwitchEnableCheats.

"Enable Cheats" is the setting name that you will see in the menu (see screenshot for example).

"Toggles `1sv_cheats`0 Enables extra commands." is the description of the setting.

You will notice that there is a `1 and a `0. These will change the color of the text. 1 sets it blue and 0 sets it back white.

The last thing you will need to do is add one more line to the file under this function, which is already in the file:

void function Controller_ResetToDefaults()


Add your new setting to the function like this:

SetConVarToDefault( "sv_cheats" )

sv_cheats being the Source Variable that you added.


When adding new settings, make sure you adjust the pin_to_sibling, navUp, and navDown of the previous and next setting, otherwise you can overlap them.
