
Anyone is more than welcome to contribute to this wiki. If you would like to contribute new information or guides, please ask one of the main editors on our Discord server for editing access.

A few things to keep in mind

  • When requesting editing access please describe what it is that you would like to contribute.

  • Please take time to proofread and fact-check your content before submitting to make sure it has the least amount of errors.

  • Submissions can be denied if we feel it does not fit or has inaccurate information. We will generally tell you why it is rejected though or ask for revisions.


If you would like to report a minor error in the guide (a typo, inaccurate information, etc.) you don't need to request editing access. Instead you can just send us a message and tag @Frontier Militia on Discord to notify any available editors to make the change.

Last updated

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