This weapons page will lead you to modding every aspect of your Pilot Weapon, from making your gun blind you to making your gun not exist this page will lead you to the guide you need.
Weapon Effects
Modify the visual aspect of your weapon. This will modify what effect your weapon makes, This includes what your muzzle flash looks like to what the bullet projectile looks like as well.
FX - WeaponCrosshair modding
This guide will show you how to change what your crosshair looks like.
Crosshair moddingWeapon positioning
This guide will show you how to change what the position of your weapon is on screen. This means your weapon can be moved to the center of the screen doom style or even making the gun left handed, It's all up to your tastes.
Weapon PositioningWeapon FOV
Guide to changing the weapon viewmodel fov
Weapon FOVHipfire Zoom
How to create a zoom effect while hipfiring.
Hipfire zoomSpecial/Unique weapon mods
These mods are restricted only to these weapons and won't apply to any others, this guide will show you how to mod them.
Special/Unique weapon modsArguments
Argument | Value | Note |
adjustedSpread | weapon_spread | |
adsFrac | player_zoomFrac | |
ammoFrac | progress_weapon_clip_ammo_frac | |
ammoFrac | progress_grapple_power | |
chargeFrac | player_chargeFrac | |
chargeLevel | player_chargeLevel | |
chargeMaxTime | eWeaponVar.custom_float_0 | |
chargeStartTime | weapon_script_time_0 | |
clipAmmo | weapon_ammo | |
clipSize | weapon_clipSize | |
crosshairMovementX | crosshair_movement_x | |
crosshairMovementY | crosshair_movement_y | |
dryfireTime | weapon_latest_dryfire_time | |
isActive | weapon_is_active | |
isAmped | weapon_is_amped | |
isFiring | weapon_is_firing | |
isGrappleInRange | grapple_in_range | |
isLocked | smartammo_locked | |
isReloading | weapon_is_reloading | |
isSprinting | player_is_sprinting | |
readyFrac | progress_ready_to_fire_frac | |
regenRate | eWeaponVar.regen_ammo_refill_rate | |
smartFov | eWeaponVar.smart_ammo_search_angle | |
teamColor | crosshair_team_color |
Last updated