
Guide on changing the killsound.

Too many sounds playing at once may cause stutter. Make your sound as short as possible to prevent multikills from causing stutter.


Locate your game folder and find this folder if you are on Origin:

Origin Games\Titanfall2\vpk\

Or this folder if you are on Steam:


Copy these files and paste them in a backup folder somewhere else:

  • englishclient_mp_common.bsp.pak000_dir.vpk

  • client_mp_common.bsp.pak000_000.vpk

You will need the Titanfall VPK Tool, the program which will allow you to open and repack Titanfall VPK files and RAD Tools Bik, which lets you convert videos to the BIK format, both found here.


Now that these files have been backed up and everything installed, navigate to your game folder and open this file using the VPK tool:

Origin Games\Titanfall2\vpk\englishclient_mp_common.bsp.pak000_dir.vpk

How to extract VPK's properly?


To add a killsound edit this file using Notepad:


and use CTRL+F to search for string victimString on line 255.

Place this under string victimString

    if(attacker == GetLocalClientPlayer() && victim != GetLocalClientPlayer() && victimInfo.petDisplayName == "" )

The final product should look like this:

	string attackerString
	string weaponString
	string victimString
    if(attacker == GetLocalClientPlayer() && victim != GetLocalClientPlayer() && victimInfo.petDisplayName == "" )

After editing the file save it and move to the next step.

Creating autoexec.cfg

To easily change your killsound you need to use a config file.

start by creating a file named autoexec.cfg in:

Origin Games\Titanfall2\r2\cfg

After creating the file open it with Notepad and paste the following in the file:

alias killsound "playvideo killsound 1 1 1; playvideo killsound 1 1 1"

Playing the sound twice is intentional, this amplifies its volume.

After saving add: +exec autoexec.cfg to your launch options for Titanfall in Origin.\

Converting sounds

To use custom sounds in Titanfall 2 we need to use a workaround and play them as video instead. Use RAD Tools to convert a video with sound to a .bik video. The sound HAS to be a video for it to work.

Open RAD Tools and navigate to the location of your downloaded video. Select the video and press the BINK IT! button. In the menu that opens name the sound to killsound.bik and press the Bink button on the right side of the window.

After binking the video move the new killsound.bik to

Origin Games\Titanfall2\r2\media

Try to trim out as much silence from the start of the file as possible to negate delay.


How to repack VPK files properly ?

After following step by step the previous link

Rename pak000_000.vpk to client_mp_common.bsp.pak000_000.vpk

Rename pak000_dir.vpk to englishclient_mp_common.bsp.pak000_dir.vpk

Place both of the renamed files back into your game directory and then launch Titanfall 2 and kill some pilots to test your sound.

Last updated

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