BSPZIP is a command-line tool that allows arbitrary files to be embedded within a BSP. When the map is being loaded the files will be mounted as if they were present in the game's real content folders
BSPZIP is a command-line tool that allows arbitrary files to be embedded within a BSP. When the map is being loaded the files will be mounted as if they were present in the game's real content folders.
**Tip:**Several GUI utilities have been created that may be more convenient than using BSPZIP directly.
**Tip:**Embedded content can be examined with archive tools that support .zip by opening the BSP file.
While it is usually a good idea to BSPZIP content, there are times when it can cause problems and other times when it won't work at all (e.g. for Maplist Thumbnails). When this happens a resource list can be used instead.
**Note:**Remember to set the appropriate VPROJECT before starting to use the tool.
BSPZIP is found at "common\<gamename>\<gamefolder>\bin\bspzip.exe"
. It performs several functions:
Adding a list of files
The most common function. There are two related commands:
Include file extensions. The former command packs all files in the list, the latter (untested, Orange Box only) packs only those that have changed since the last operation.
**Tip:**The input and output files can be the same.
The 'file list' is a .txt file containing this pattern:
Internal paths ('relative paths') are the location the file will take within the BSP, e.g.
.External paths ('full paths') are the location of the file to be packed, e.g.
Adding a single file
The same principle as above, but without a file list.
Viewing and extracting files
If you have an archive tool installed that is able to look inside BSPs it's better to use that. If you don't, these are the commands you need:
Handling cubemaps
Should be self-evident:
-deletecubemaps actually deletes all .vtf files in the .bsp - handle with caution!
There are situations where files won't be loaded from BSP files correctly. As time goes on they become fewer in number, but it's always worth checking regardless. The easiest way to do so is moving all of the embedded content out of the game's folders -- or even better, not storing it there in the first place.
Repacking allows you to compress your map to save hard drive space and download times. To repack a map and compress it, these commands are used:
To uncompress repacked maps, run the same command but ommit the -compress
Repacked maps won't work in Source Filmmaker and will crash the program on load!
Last updated
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