Scoreboard colors


In this guide you will have to edit text. Simply use a text editor for that such as Atom, NotePad++, VIM or one that you prefer.

Locate your game folder and find this folder if you are on Origin:

Origin Games\Titanfall2\vpk\

Or this folder if you are on Steam:


Copy these files and paste them in a backup folder somewhere else:

  • englishclient_frontend.bsp.pak000_dir.vpk

  • client_frontend.bsp.pak000_000.vpk

For the next step you'll need the Titanfall VPK Tool, a program which allows you to open and repack Titanfall VPK files.


Now that these files have been backed up, navigate to your game folder and open this file:

Origin Games\Titanfall2\vpk\englishclient_frontend.bsp.pak000_dir.vpk

How to extract VPK files properly?


To edit the colors, go to this location:


All colors on the scoreboard are stored in one file, sh_consts.gnut. The file is quite large, so it's recommended to navigate through it using the search (ctrl+F) function.

Colors of individual elements are stored as a vector variable which is made out of 3 integer variables that accept the values from 0 to 255; each of the integers corresponds to a certain amount of one of the basic rgb colors (red, green or blue). In simpler terms, you'll be changing the color by changing the amount of red, green and blue it has; 0 means no color at all (black) and 255 means the maximum.

Texture & Colors

Enemy's color

Lines: 255, 256 and 257; 1st line corresponds to red, 2nd to green, 3rd to blue

global const int ENEMY_R = 
global const int ENEMY_G = 
global const int ENEMY_B = 

Example, values used were R=200 G=0 B=0:

Team's color

Lines: 250, 251 and 252; 1st line corresponds to red, 2nd to green, 3rd to blue

global const int FRIENDLY_R = 
global const int FRIENDLY_G = 
global const int FRIENDLY_B = 

Example, values used were R=0 G=255 B=50:

Party's color

Lines: 265, 266 and 267; 1st line corresponds to red, 2nd to green, 3rd to blue

global const int PARTY_R = 
global const int PARTY_G = 
global const int PARTY_B = 

Example, values used were R=255 G=111 B=0:

Your name's color

Lines: 260, 261 and 262; 1st line corresponds to red, 2nd to green, 3rd to blue

global const int LOCAL_R = 
global const int LOCAL_G = 
global const int LOCAL_B = 

Example, values used were R=255 G=50 B=255:


After following this guide, rename:

  • pak000_000.vpk to client_frontend.bsp.pak000_000.vpk

  • pak000_dir.vpk to englishclient_frontend.bsp.pak000_dir.vpk

Then place both of the renamed files back into your game's vpk folder. After starting the game you should be able to see the changes you've made.

Last updated

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