The Valve Integrated Development Environment (commonly referred to by its acronym VIDE) is a third party freeware software distribution used by Source developers.
The Valve Integrated Development Environment (commonly referred to by its acronym VIDE) is a third party freeware software distribution used by Source developers. It is commonly used by mapmakers to pack custom content (textures, models, soundscapes) into their levels.
Any and all custom content must be packed into the level with VIDE; otherwise, external users of your map will see missing content textures in place of the custom textures only you see on your end.
Hammer Splitter Editor
Package Viewer (equivalent to GCFScape)
Particle Editor
VBSP Editor
VMT Editor
Mass VMT Editor
VTF Editor (equivalent to VTFEdit)
Mass VTF Editor
BSP Info
Entity Lump Editor (equivalent to Entspy)
Pakfile Lump Editor (equivalent to Pakrat)
Change Log
Version 0.45b -- February 27, 2013
Pakfile Lump Editor
Fixed: Incorrect gib model paths
Fixed: Certain version 21 BSPs saved with an incorrect version identifier
Fixed: Incomplete scan of pre-packed content
Changed: Scanning of packed materials is now enabled by default
Package Viewer
Added: Basic VPK version 2 support
Version 0.45a -- December 25, 2012
Added: VTF Editor
Added: Mass VTF Editor
Fixed: File dialogs now remember last directory
Added: Single instance limitation
Added: Open file by argument
VBSP Editor
Fixed: Infinite loop when setting texture dimension
Fixed: Texture dimension default read from invalid prop on load
Fixed: Incorrect renaming of all tree items
Fixed: Swaped items are now saved in the correct order
Package Viewer
Fixed: Error when reading data from single digit VPK archive segments
Version 0.38a -- January 9, 2012
Added: Package Viewer
Entity Lump Editor
Fixed: Lump written to Output window instead of BSP or LMP
Fixed: Crashing when importing VMF with entity connections
Fixed: Similarily named keyvalues overwriting each other
Removed: Brush entities loaded/saved from/to VMF
Added: Search option to invert results
Added: Option to ignore importing of hidden VMF entities
Hammer Splitter Editor
Fixed: Distance fields now set value upon losing focus
Fixed: Disabled editing of unreadable registry entries
Mass VMT Editor
Fixed: VTF material initialization using wrong path
Pakfile Lump Editor
Fixed: Rewrote nearly all GUI logic
Particle Editor
Fixed: Crash when context menu requested in blank space
VBSP Editor
Fixed: Various value fields setting the wrong value
Added: Texture dimension default read from first prop on load
[BSP Tools]
Fixed: General inconsistancy and unreliability; rewrote BSP delegate class
[VMF Tools]
Changed: Rewrote VMF class
[Utility Code]
Fixed: Improved accuracy and handling of plaintext keyvalues
Version 0.32b -- June 23, 2010
Removed: Public use of external log file
Mass VMT Editor
Fixed: Undesirable behaviour with empty file list
Pakfile Lump Editor
Fixed: Model materials not being searched for
Added: Scan options dialog
Particle Editor
Added: System finder
Added: Map particle manifester
Version 0.32a -- June 16, 2010
Added: Particle Editor
Added: Entity Lump Editor
Added: VBSP Editor
Added: Closure confirmation for modified windows
Removed: Ability to move toolbars
Removed: Ability to manually check for updates
Removed: External program launchers
BSP Info
Added: Option to save extracted lump with lump name instead of number
Added: Lump names according to BSP version
Mass VMT Editor
Added: Asterisk wildcard option
Added: Improved progress dialog
Pakfile Lump Editor
Fixed: Rare crash when finishing scan for referenced content
Fixed: Skybox and detail sprites not being searched for
Fixed: Rare infinite loop when reading binary data as text
Fixed: Editing of search path after scan
Added: Ability to search for and scan particle systems
VMT Editor
Fixed: New window from opening if open dialog was canceled
Added: Save shortcut "Ctrl + S"
[BSP Tools]
Added: Hard-coded lump names
Version 0.16b -- February 26, 2010
Added: Ability to check for updates
Added: About information
BSP Info
Fixed: Window opening when the file open dialog was canceled
Fixed: Crash when closing a window after opening a BSP more than once
Fixed: Bug preventing a BSP from being read
Added: Context menu to copy lump offset and length values from the table
Added: Lump manipulation: Append, Extract, Prepend, and Replace
Mass VMT Editor
Added: VMT and VTF only file type selections
Added: Progress dialog for lengthy operations
Pakfile Lump Editor
Fixed: Crash when adding files with a CRC of 9F6FB22E
Removed: Unnecessary status entries
Added: Scan option
[VMT Tools]
Fixed: Formal syntax requirement
Version 0.1a -- December 25, 2009
Initial release.
Last updated
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